
State Game Agencies

Each of the fifty states supports an agency, government department, or other entity that regulates the hunting, fishing, trapping, and other game-related activities in that state. Most of these agencies are also tasked with conservation-oriented missions, and tend to the quality of the inland water, woods, and other natural resources. In most cases, these same agencies issue the hunting licenses or permits that are required in order to pursue game in that state, and may also regulate things like dog training (especially with live birds) and shooting - whether at live game or not. Remember that hunting without a license, outside the terms of a license, or hunting past your bag limit can get you in real trouble!

Follow the links below directly to the web site maintained by each state. In some cases, these links will take you to the main area of the agency's web page, while others may drill down directly to a specific page within the site.

Agency: Alabama DWFF
Alabama's large rural hunting areas and inland freshwater fishing are administered by that state's Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Agency: Alaska DFGWC
Alaska's hunting and fishing paradise is administered by the state's Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Conservation
Agency: Arizona GF
Arizona's rugged southwestern terrain makes for challenging hunting, which is regulated by the state's Game And Fish department.
Agency: Arkansas GFC
Arkansas hunting and fishing is regulated by that state's Game And Fish Commission
Agency: California DFG
California's extensive wilderness areas support great hunting and fishing, which are regulated by that state's Department of Fish and Game
Agency: Colorado DW
Colorado's Division of Wildlife manages that great state's huge mountainous hunting grounds
Agency: Connecticut DEP
Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection administers that small state's well run hunting and fishing activities.
Agency: Delaware DFW
Delaware's small, but has extensive fishing and hunting, regulated by their Division of Fish and Wildlife
Agency: Florida FWCC
Florida's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission oversees that state's abundant wildlife and fishing activities.
Agency: Georgia DNR
Georgia's Department of Natural Resources regulates the hunting and fishing throughout the swamps, fields, mountains, and coast of that beautiful state.
Agency: Hawaii DLNR
Hawaii actually supports lots of hunting and fishing if you know where to look, and the state's Department of Land and Natural Resources regulates it all.
Agency: Idaho FG
Idaho's beautiful wilderness upland, big game, and fishing is regulated by their Fish and Game department.
Agency: Illinois DNR
Illinois' Department of Natural Resources oversees that state's very active hunting and fishing industry.
Agency: Indiana DNR
Indiana's hunting and fishing is administered by that state's Department Of Natural Resources
Agency: Iowa DNR
Iowa's vast hunting plains are kept fruitful by the state's Department of Natural Resources
Agency: Kansas DWP
Kansas has endless plains and game are managed by the state's Department of Wildlife and Parks
Agency: Kentucky FWR
Kentucky's Fish and Wildlife Resources department makes sure that their state's woods and hills are rich with game.
Agency: Louisiana WF
Louisiana is famous both for game and for cooking it, and that states Wildlife and Fisheries department runs the show.
Agency: Maine DIFW
Maine's Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife oversees that New England state's beautiful and wild highland hunting and fishing areas.
Agency: Maryland DNR
Maryland's Department Of Natural Resources regulates hunting and shooting throughout the state. Follow the links to the game bird and upland bird details.
Agency: Massachusetts DFG
Massachusetts' beautiful New England countryside presents hunting and fishing opportunities regulated by their Department of Fish and Game
Agency: Michigan DNR
Michigan's unique mix of northern hunting and fishing is regulated by that state's Department of Natural Resources
Agency: Minnesota DNR
Minnesota 10,000 lakes are full of fish, and its hills are full of game - all regulated by their Department Of Natural Resources
Agency: Mississippi WFP
Mississippi's great souther hunting traditions are goverend by the state's Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
Agency: Missouri DC
Missouri's heartland hunting and fishing is managed by the state's Department of Conservation
Agency: Montana FWP
Montana's huge western hunting and fishing grounds are administered by that state's Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department.
Agency: Nebraska GPC
Nebraska's Game and Parks Commission runs the great prairie hunting tradition in that state.
Agency: Nevada DOW
Nevada's more than just Las Vegas! The NDOW (Nevada Department of Wildlife) web site has lots of resources to help you understand hunting regulations in that state. Don't gamble on the laws!
New Hampshire
Agency: New Hampshire FGD
New Hampshire regulates its very rural hunting and fishing pastime through their Fish And Game Department
New Jersey
Agency: New Jersey DFW
New Jersey's got more hunting and fishing than you might expect - and their Department Of Fish and Wildlife runs the show.
New Mexico
Agency: New Mexico DGF
New Mexico's Department of Game and Fish regulates and conserves that state's unique southwestern hunting and fishing territories.
New York
Agency: New York DEC
New York's Department of Environmental Conservation regulates the game and hunting throughout that state.
North Carolina
Agency: North Carolina WRC
North Carolina's wild hunting and fishing activities are regulated by that state's Wildlife Resources Commission
North Dakota
Agency: North Dakota GF
North Dakota's Game and Fish Department runs that state's important hunting and fishing activities.
Agency: Ohio DW
Ohio's Division of Wildlife administer's that state's extensive hunting and fishing activities.
Agency: Oklahoma DWC
Oklahoma's famous pheasant hunting, and more, is regulated by their Department Of Wildlife Conservation
Agency: Oregon DFW
Oregon's Department of Fish and Wildlife administers that beautiful, mountainous Pacific state's hunting and fishing.
Agency: Pennsylvania Game Commission
Pennsylvania's Game Commission runs that state's hunting, trappinc, and fishing.
Rhode Island
Agency: Rhode Island DEM
Rhode Island is tiny, but they're serious about maintaining beautiful hunting and fishing grounds through their Department of Environmental Management
South Carolina
Agency: South Carolina DNR
South Carolina's Department of Natural Resources oversees the hunting and fishing in that beautiful coastal state.
South Dakota
Agency: South Dakota GFP
South Dakota's Department of Game, Fish, and Parks adminsters that state's upland hunting paradise.
Agency: Tennessee WRA
Tennessee's mountains, valleys, and rivers offer great hunting and fishing, which is overseen by that state's Wildlife Resources Agency
Agency: Texas PW
Texas is huge, and their department of Parks and Wildlife presents fantastic hunting opportunities.
Agency: Utah DWR
Utah's Division of Wildlife Resources manages that mountain state's rough and beautiful hunting and fishing grounds.
Agency: Vermont FWD
Vermont's Fish and Wildlife Department administers that state's abundant wilderness hunting and fishing pursuits.
Agency: Virginia DGIF
Virginia's hunting and fishing is regulated by the Department Of Game and Inland Fisheries. Follow the links to specific topic areas.
Agency: Washington DFW
Washington state's varied terrain, game, and fishing is administered by their Department of Fish and Wildlife
West Virginia
Agency: West Virginia DNR
West Virginia's Division Of Natural Resources regulates that state's abundant hunting and fishing resources.
Agency: Wisconsin DNR
Wisconsin's Department Of Natural Resources looks after that state's abundant hunting and fishing.
Agency: Wyoming GF
Wyoming's wide open spaces are famous for hunting and fishing, and are run by that state's Game And Fish department.


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