
Image Purchasing, Use, and Licensing: Terms and Conditions

All images found on UplandLife.com and its supporting image gallery web sites and content are protected under U.S. copyright law. There are no exceptions. The U.S. Copyright Office (visit the web site) has an excellent section on frequently asked questions, and we will not reproduce that body of information here. We will, though, address some questions that frequently come our way:

Question: You have some great pictures here! Can I use them on my web site?

The short answer is, "No." The longer answer is, "You can, if you make specific arrangements with the copyright holder." This may mean limitations on the size/resolution of the images displayed, the nature of the photo credits and/or web links that must be displayed, or may involve purchasing the rights to use the image. Make no assumptions about whether or not you may use these images without contacting us.

Question: If I purchase prints of your images from you, can I scan them and share them with other people, or otherwise reproduce them?

The short answer is, "No." The longer answer is, "Maybe." Specifically, purchasing an image does not convey copyrights to the person who purchases the image. Unless a purchase is made explicitly to license an image for commercial or third-party editorial use, such images are only sold for personal use (such as the display of the print in one's home). Reproduction and distribution - however casually - is a violation of the photographer's copyrights. Copyrights exist as a way to protect authors, photographers, and other artists so that they can continue to produce the sorts of images in question. No matter how much we enjoy the fact that you are enjoying our images, we must protect our interest in how they are reproduced.

Question: So, can I just link to the images here?

You may link to the image galleries here, but not directly to individual images. Hot linking (embedding images served from this web site in the content of other web sites, blogs, e-mails, etc) is specifically forbidden. Such "hot linking" and similar practices not only violate copyright law, it also costs this web site real money in bandwidth use.

Question: What if I want to use an image in a publication, or a fundraising calendar, an advertisement, a breed club newsletter, or in some other way?

Please contact us, as we're happy to make such arrangements under very reasonable terms. We look forward to this work finding a wider audience, but must be involved in discussing the manner in which that happens, and what costs and or licensing and contracts may come up in such situations.

Question: Hey, you're showing a photo of me on your web site! Don't you need my permission?

We certainly don't want to make anybody unhappy that they've been included in event coverage photography. Such images, shown in that capacity, are considered to be "editorial" use. This is distinctly different from commercial use, such as in an advertisement or product endorsement. Should UplandLife.com wish to make use of your likeness as part of an advertisement, we would need you to sign a "model release," and would make contact in that regard. Though some images on this site are available for purchase, such purchases are not licenses for commercial use of those images. Such arrangements must be made separately.

Thank you for taking a moment to understand and support the copyright system, which is a vital part of what allows content creators of all kinds - including the photographers whose long hours, hard work, and considerable expenses you see reflected at UplandLife.com to - to continue to create the work you enjoy.


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