
The Encyclopedia Uplandia: A through C
A-C  |  D-F  |  G-I  |  J-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-V  |  W-Z

• Afield

      (Breed club term)

• Backing
      (Dog training, handling term)
      (Hunting term)

• Bag Limit
      (Hunting term)

• Bismuth
      (Ammunition term)
      (Hunting term)

• Blank Pistol
      (Dog training, handling term)

• Bobwhite Quail
      (Game Bird Species)

• Brace
      (Hunting term)
      (Dog training, handling term)

• Brace Collar
      (Dog training, handling term)
      (Hunting term)

• Breech Loading
      (Shooting term)

• Brittany
      (Dog breed)

• Carding
      (Dog training, handling term)

• Cast
      (Dog training, handling term)
      (Hunting term)

• Chain Gang
      (Dog training, handling term)

• Check Cord
      (Dog training, handling term)

• Chukar
      (Game Bird Species)

• Cocker Spaniel
      (Dog breed)

• Covey
      (Game bird term)
      (Dog training, handling term)
      (Hunting term)

      (Agricultural term)
      (Hunting term)


Browse The EU Here:    A-C  |  D-F  |  G-I  |  J-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-V  |  W-Z


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